Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Mojo: Lost and Found

2009-2010 was a creatively dry time in my life. I didn't really want to take photos pretty much ever again, and for no particular reason other than I just didn't feel like it. I had no ideas, I had no outlet, and I just didn't care.

One day not too long ago, Megan drove home from Ohio and said "Let's do a photo shoot, like old times." We dressed her up and went to a spot that was brimming with ideas. We did five separate shoots in under an hour.

I didn't realize how much I'd missed it until I started the post-shoot process. I've been editing slowly over the last month and have gradually gotten more motivated about it all again. And suddenly I have never felt as inspired as I do now. I want to shoot everyone, all the time. Basic, intricate, men, women, cats. The crescendo of excitement that has been building up is looking like it's going to bear some really fucking cool fruit.

Thank you, Megan Pelowski, for bringing my inspiration back with you. Let's get back to work.