Tuesday, April 12, 2011


What did I learn my first week at school?

-I hate perspective drawing. Looks like G1 Drawing & Perspective is gonna suck for me.
-When you're 18, it's okay to have an 8am breakfast of Hawaiian Punch and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Am I old?
-Artists can teach, but they may not be teachers. My syllabuses are riddled with spelling and grammatical errors. Good lord.
-6:30am isn't the hard part. Noon is the hard part. Well, closing at the bar that night is the hard part.
-All graphite pencils are not created equal. Furthermore, all erasers are not created equal, and also completely suck, depending on the graphite pencil used. This shit better come in handy someday.
-I have absolutely zero interest in making friends with my classmates. ZERO.
-Easy way to spice up a boring project? Add a pop culture reference.

School is going quite well, thanks for asking.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sunday, April 3, 2011

3:45 am.

Cold meatball sub, delivered an hour and a half ago. American Spirit Ultra-Light, bummed from a boss for the price of an over-zealous errand and light physical/verbal abuse. A long ride home with my new male counterparts.

Bartending is a boys' club. I fit in pretty well.