Tuesday, April 12, 2011


What did I learn my first week at school?

-I hate perspective drawing. Looks like G1 Drawing & Perspective is gonna suck for me.
-When you're 18, it's okay to have an 8am breakfast of Hawaiian Punch and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Am I old?
-Artists can teach, but they may not be teachers. My syllabuses are riddled with spelling and grammatical errors. Good lord.
-6:30am isn't the hard part. Noon is the hard part. Well, closing at the bar that night is the hard part.
-All graphite pencils are not created equal. Furthermore, all erasers are not created equal, and also completely suck, depending on the graphite pencil used. This shit better come in handy someday.
-I have absolutely zero interest in making friends with my classmates. ZERO.
-Easy way to spice up a boring project? Add a pop culture reference.

School is going quite well, thanks for asking.


Kimber said...

It’s no secret that I draw impeccably well.

With that being said, I’m going to give you the simplest advice and possibly the only guidance you’ll ever really need concerning perspective drawing.

Once you get the shapes of your objects down, as you were evidently able to do with the bat symbol…

Things that are closer are drawn larger.

Things that are farther away are drawn smaller.

Things that are closer are lighter or brighter (think about how the light hits an object). Less graphite. Less pressure on the pencil.

Things that are farther away are darker (think about depth and shadow). More graphite. More pressure on the pencil.

Sure all that blah, blah, blah about 2B, 4B, H, H5, etc. grades of graphite can be useful to know...

B’s are softer and have looser particles making them easier to use when creating layers of value. (Layers of graphite.)

H’s are harder and have denser particles. They need to be sharpened less frequently and will create sharper and darker lines.

Yeah, so all my years of drawing for class or for fun or whatever, these are the only “rules” I’ve ever taken into consideration. And I’ll tell you, most of the things I’ve ever drawn were done with the basic number 2 pencil that can be purchased cheaply in balk.

anniemosity said...

I've learned that I like Bs far better than Hs, that's for sure.

Thank you for your guidance. I'm sure I'll be utilizing you multiple times in the coming months.