I've been struggling with Xmas this year. This was the year I wasn't going to buy anyone anything, because I'm poor. (Real poor.) Instead of not buying anything, I chose a select few people (parents, bf, brother) and went NUTS buying them things. Sweaters, shower heads, shower curtains, hair cuts, everything they want or could want or could use or could pack away and use in five years or re-gift. I cannot help it. I want to buy things, many things, and I want to give them to people. I want to fill in needs, I want to show them that I love them through objects. Maybe I have a social disease.
Xmas is a special for me. With my mother being religious, I've been raised to revere this time of year. Whether or not I believe in what I was raised on, the time of year is still special to me. I want to listen to the Nutcracker, I want to watch the Muppets sing songs about the season being jolly and joyous, I want to eat a shitload of carbohydrates. Coming together with my family, laughing and eating, loving and sharing company; these are things that I thrive on, and I get it in mass quantities around this time of year.
Whether or not I get the bus passes that I asked my parents for or that HDTV that I secretly asked a fake fat man for, I will always love this time of year. I want the special people in my life to know that I really really love them.
So happy holidays, friends, and stay tuned. I'm getting internet back and you'll be sick of me soon.