Sunday, January 8, 2012

Cooking with Cats: Mac & Cheese.

Welcome, friends. One of my few goals for 2012 is to cook actual meals at home a lot. This year has begun with a few dishes that have turned out well, but none more so than this awesome mac & cheese recipe.

Meltin' butter.

Makin' béchamel.


Boilin' pasta.

Cookin' bacon. In butter.


Using our new mortar and pestle, crushin' toasted bread.


Mixin' béchamel, cream, bacon, potatoes, cheddar, and Gouda. Lookin' neon.

Addin' pasta.


Finished product. Unbelievably delicious. A drizzle of maple syrup atop the perfectly seasoned breadcrumbs really adds to the dish. Best mac & cheese I've ever had.

Tuckered out. Cooking is exhausting.

1 comment:

samma said...

Loveeeee the cat pictures! We the people want MORE!!!